Learning to respond
Harold Meier
February 14, 2021
When we are driving a car we tend to think "I am in control," but what do we really control. Yes, we're moving the pedals and the steering wheels but we're not really in control. Rather, our choice of actions depends on what is around us. We are being controlled constantly. We're controlled by the speed limits, the turns in the road, other traffic, rules of the road, pedestrians the limitations of our vehicles and our own skills yet we think "I am in control."
This notion of control is just a further expansion of our egos. We like to believe we are in control because it lends our lives a sense of purpose and direction. It titillates our senses and makes us feel good about our selves. In truth we are just responding to the influential elements in our worlds. To drive we need to be able to respond to the traffic lights, road conditions, changing flow or traffic and any surprises that might come up. If we are able to respond, that capability makes us response - able, "responsible." Thats where the word comes from.
When we aspire for power and control then we always place ourselves in a position to loose our position. We then live under constant fear of loss or diminution. We constantly fear the loss of control and constantly struggle to maintain it. When we learn to respond however, then we remain flexible to the constantly changing circumstances that time unfolds before us. An awareness of this real position will help us to deal with new situations and keep us sober in our thoughts and actions.