Managing the Driver Within
October 22, 2017
The car is actually very easy to control. It goes left. It goes right. It goes forward and backwards. Your mind though can do all that plus a whole lot more.
Learning to respond
October 14, 2021
When we are driving a car we tend to think "I am in control," but what do we really control. Yes, we're moving the pedals and the steering wheels but we're not really in control.
The Middle Road
April 13, 2018
Sometimes I get calls from student drivers who tell me they failed their driving test because they were driving too fast then they did a second test and failed.
The Art of War
February 26, 2018
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu writes that if you know your enemy you can win 50% of your battles. But, if you know yourself and your enemy, then you can win 100% of your battles. Its not enough to know the rules of the road, your car and have a bit of driving skill.
January 12, 2018
Over thinking is a big problem when driving. When you over think then it keeps you from making a decision and you need to be able to decide quickly. Most of the decisions you make while driving are not important. Whether to make a turn
Controlling your car
November 12, 2017
Motor Skills
You need to meet the standard for motor skills. You have to use your hands to control the wheel and your foot to control the pedals. What's more, you need to be able to
Knowledge of the Road
November 05, 2017
You need to know both the laws and the rules of the road. The police and ICBC require you to follow the laws. The rules fill in the gaps.
Developing your judgement
October 29, 2017
There is no possibility of getting your driver's license if you drive too fast or drive too slow, turn to wide or turn too sharp.